A new year, a new start?... I can't believe it has been so long since I have done a blog post. Things are going well. Archer is growing so fast, and the older boys are full of energy and also full of vinegar, as my grandpa would say. Very soon I am planning on re-vamping my blog in a way. I want to be able to have things be a bit more transparent, and open. I know that many of my readers know me personally, and even if you don't, and even if you happened upon my blog after skipping through five others, I still want to personalize things more. I know you may be thinking - more personal? You just shared your innermost feelings in previous posts with anyone who has internet?! I know, I know, but I am wanting to have a record sort of, about things going on in our lives, including videos, fun things we talk about, and I don't want to have to go through and check - "did I forget to take their real name out?" A silly thing, a little thing maybe, but it will be fun to properly
introduce you to my kiddos, and give the bloggy place a new feel and look too.
So ---- looking forward to being on here a little more regularly, and in a little bit of a new way.
Hope your new year is full of fresh starts and good things. Each day can be a new start... even if it's not technically January 1st - have to remind myself of that tonight, as I haven't worked out in a couple days. Have to convince myself not to "throw in the the towel" yet :-)
And a picture - of boys in their pajamas (aka underwear) - just for fun.